Supervised Learning Courses

Supervised Learning courses impart machine learning algorithms knowledge to analyze data and make predictions. These courses deliver lectures on regression, neural networks, classification models, support vector machines, and decision trees. The courses include demonstrations to implement algorithms for building predictive models from labeled data. Learners gain an understanding of supervised learning techniques to design, develop, and manage robust data-driven applications through hands-on exercises and projects.

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What will you learn in Supervised Learning Courses?

  • Fundamentals of supervised learning algorithms, including linear and logistic regression, decision trees, and support vector machines.
  • Design, develop, demonstrate, evaluate and manage the performance of supervised learning models to make predictions.
  • Train supervised learning model through feature engineering and selection to maximize accuracy and minimize complexity.
  • Learn to split data into multiple training and testing sets to improve model performance through cross-validation.
  • Introducing additional constraints on the model parameters through regularization techniques to prevent overfitting.
  • Apply supervised learning algorithms on NLP, computer vision, and robotics and solve real-world problems.


Supervised Learning Courses

Gain proficiency in designing and developing efficient models through supervised learning algorithms from the best online resources.

Skills you will gain from Supervised Learning Course

  • Data pre-processing and feature engineering techniques to enhance model efficiency
  • Design models and implement different types of supervised learning algorithms
  • Programming proficiency in like Python and R, and NumPy and MATLAB libraries
  • Ability to develop, evaluate, and optimize supervised machine learning models
  • Identify, address, and interpret bias in data models and explain the results
  • Data visualization techniques to implement best practices in ML and Data Science

About Supervised Learning

What is Supervised Learning?

Supervised Learning is a machine learning algorithm that uses labeled data to predict outcomes. It works by mapping an input to an output based on labeled data. The machine learning algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset and then used to make predictions on unlabeled data. Supervised learning algorithms are used in applications such as classification, regression, and recommendation systems.

Supervised Learning Technique

Supervised Learning is a machine learning algorithm that uses labeled data to predict outcomes. This type of learning uses a set of data points, called a training set, to learn from. The training set contains labeled data points that have been labeled with the correct outcome. The supervised learning algorithm then uses this training set to predict new, unseen data points. The accuracy of the supervised learning model is evaluated using a test set, which contains data points that the model has not seen. Supervised learning is used for various applications, such as predicting customer churn, recognizing objects in images, and diagnosing diseases.

Libraries in Supervised Learning

Libraries used in supervised machine learning are a set of software tools and libraries specifically designed to help developers build machine learning algorithms. These libraries provide a wide range of features and capabilities, such as data pre-processing, feature selection, model building, model evaluation, and prediction. Some of the most popular libraries used in supervised machine learning include Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Caffe. Developers and data scientists widely use these libraries to create robust and accurate machine learning models.

Applications of Supervised Learning

Applications of Supervised Learning In regression problems, the goal is to predict a continuous value based on the features. Other applications include fraud detection, sentiment analysis, and natural language processing.

Applications of supervised methods involve the use of algorithms and models to predict, classify, and analyze data. Supervised methods are used in many fields, including machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and data mining. These methods are applied in fields from medical diagnosis to predicting stock prices, where an algorithm is trained on a set of labeled data to make predictions or decisions. It is commonly used in classification problems, such as image classification, object detection, forecasting, and speech recognition. They are commonly used for predictive analytics, where the goal is to build a model that predicts the outcome of a given input. 

Great Learning offers you an opportunity to learn Supervised Machine Learning Techniques through online courses with an upgraded syllabus from top universities. Register for these courses to enhance your knowledge and earn abilities to work with fundamental and advanced skills in Machine Learning methods and algorithms. Elevate your competency in designing and building supervised learning models to predict and recognize accurate outcomes and gain PG certificates upon course completion.

Frequently asked questions

Why learn about Supervised Learning?

Supervised Learning is a sub-type of machine learning that uses labeled data to train algorithms, help identify patterns in data, generate predictive models, and automate complex processes. It is widely used in many industries and is the foundation of popular machine learning algorithms like support vector machines, decision trees, and random forests. Understanding supervised learning is beneficial for taking advantage of more advanced machine learning models.

Job roles include:

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • AI/ML Engineer
  • Research Scientist
  • Software Developer
  • Statistician
  • Business Analyst
Why take Supervised Learning courses from Great Learning?
Great Learning collaborates with top universities to offer the best PG courses on Supervised Learning. Learners gain a comprehensive understanding through interactive video lectures, online resources, projects, and assignments and earn PG certificates upon successful completion.
Which universities offer Supervised Learning courses?

Here is the list of universities and programs that teach Supervised Learning in their curriculum,

  • IIT Roorkee offers Full Stack Software Development Course
  • The University of Austin offers Artificial Intelligence PG Program for Leaders
  • Deakin University offers Masters of Data Science (Global) Program
  • Great Lakes Executive Learning offers PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, PG Program in Machine Learning, and PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Bootcamp)
  • The University of Austin offers PG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Cost to learn Supervised Learning.

Here is the course list and fee details of the courses offering Supervised Learning courses, 

PG Programs 

Program Fee Details

E&ITC IIT Roorkee: Full Stack Software Development Program 

INR 2,00,000 + GST

Artificial Intelligence PG Program for Leaders 

INR 1,70,000 + GST

Masters of Data Science (Global) Program

USD 7800

PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

INR 3,35,000 + GST

PG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

INR 2,50,000 + GST

PG Program in Machine Learning 

INR 1,25,000 + GST

PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Bootcamp)

INR 3,50,000 + GST

PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Data Science Specialization)

INR 2,75,000 + GST

What Is the Duration of Supervised Learning courses?

Here are the duration details of the Supervised Learning courses.

PG Programs 

Program Duration Details

E&ITC IIT Roorkee: Full Stack Software Development Program 

10 Months

Artificial Intelligence PG Program for Leaders 

2 Months

Masters of Data Science (Global) Program

24 Months

PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

12 Months

PG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

12 Months

PG Program in Machine Learning 

7 Months

PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Bootcamp)

5 Months

PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Data Science Specialization)

9 Months

Does Great Learning Offer Free Supervised Learning Courses?
You can explore Free Supervised Learning Courses on Great Learning Academy. Free Courses: Basics of Machine Learning, Introduction to Supervised Learning, and Supervised Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models.