Predictive Analytics Courses

Comprehend the power of predictive analytics with our comprehensive courses. These predictive analytics courses are designed to give your business a competitive edge by enabling you to make smarter decisions, uncover new opportunities, enhance customer experiences, and optimize operational performance. Learn analytics fundamentals, sharpen your data mining and predictive modeling skills, and gain the knowledge needed to develop actionable insights more efficiently.

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What will you learn in Predictive Analytics Course?

  • Understand the fundamentals of Predictive Analytics and Predictive Modeling
  • Learn Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) for Predictive Analytics
  • Comprehend Logistic Regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis for Classification problems
  • Get introduced to Classification and Regression Trees for Predictive Modeling
  • Learn Techniques for evaluating the performance of predictive models using cross-validation
  • Get an overview of Predictive Analytics techniques and their applications in various industries


Explore Predictive Analytics Courses

Look into the below Courses that includes predictive analytics module to gain in-depth knowledge of predictive analysis.

Skills you will gain from Predictive Analytics Course

  • Knowledge of Predictive Analytics and Predictive Modeling techniques
  • Ability to build, interpret, and evaluate linear and logistic regression models
  • Understanding of classification and regression trees for predictive modeling
  • Proficiency in cross-validation techniques for model evaluation and selection
  • Knowledge of linear discriminant analysis and its applications in predictive analytics
  • Ability to implement predictive analytics and make data-driven decisions

About Predictive Analytics Courses

What is Predictive Analytics: Definition, Underlying Concepts, and Examples

Predictive analytics comes under data analysis, which analyzes and identifies data trends and patterns to predict future outcomes. By examining existing data sets, predictive analytics can provide insights into possible future events and help organizations make informed decisions. It can improve the efficiency of a business’s operations, enhance customer service, and make more accurate predictions about future market trends.

Concepts Underlying Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses various algorithms and data mining approaches to identify meaningful patterns in data. By considering factors like historical events and trends, seasonality, and correlations between variables, statistical analysis is utilized to develop predictive models that can be used to generate predictions about future outcomes.

Examples: Predictive analytics can be used in a wide variety of industries and applications. Examples include predicting customer churn, analyzing customer data to deliver personalized experiences, forecasting market trends, and detecting fraud. It can also help organizations identify trends and patterns to make more informed business decisions and optimize business performance.

What does Predictive Analytics Means for Businesses Today?

Predictive analytics has become a highly desired and sought-after tool in today's business world. It has the ability to process data, uncover patterns, and make predictions. This technology helps to make informed decisions, plan strategies, and optimize operations.

Predictive analytics is used by businesses to identify customer behavior patterns, develop strategies for targeting and segmenting customers, predict future trends, and suggest potential strategies to increase sales and profits. Business can now better understand their customer base and tailor their products, services, and marketing campaigns to meet the needs of their customers using predictive analysis. 

It also helps businesses identify areas for improvement, streamline operations, recognize hidden opportunities and threats, and discover new ways to increase customer engagement and loyalty. Thus, predictive analytics enables businesses to make timely, informed decisions that drive business growth and profitability.

Key concepts and techniques involved in predictive analytics

Data exploration, predictive modeling, statistical algorithms, Machine Learning, clustering, and data visualization are the key concepts and methods involved in predictive analytics.

  • Data exploration is collecting, exploring, and understanding the data. It involves summarizing data in terms of its structure and content, identifying correlations, clusters, and outliers, and generating hypotheses.
  • Predictive modeling is the application of statistical and Machine Learning techniques that identify patterns and generate insights from data. It creates predictive models that can forecast the future. It utilizes techniques such as classification, regression, tree-based methods, and artificial neural networks.
  • Machine Learning, the branch of Artificial Intelligence, uses algorithms to learn from and act upon data. It enables computers to find patterns and make decisions without relying solely on human input. It includes algorithms such as decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, naïve Bayes, and K means clustering.
  • Statistical algorithms are mathematical and statistical approaches for analyzing data, and they are used to identify patterns and correlations in data and generate predictions. Common statistical algorithms include linear regression, logistic regression, and time series analysis.
  • Clustering is a technique used to identify groups within a dataset. It identifies similarities between data points and groups them accordingly. Common clustering algorithms include k-means, hierarchical clustering, and density-based clustering.
  • Data visualization is the technique of creating graphical representations of data to understand and interpret them better. It helps reveal trends and patterns in data that would otherwise be difficult to detect. Common data visualization tools include line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts.

Applications of Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics has become an increasingly vital tool in various industries and applications. Predictive analytics uses data to discern patterns, make predictions and inform decisions. This form of data analysis is utilized to identify potential risks, create targeted marketing campaigns, increase the efficiency of operations, and more.

Health Care : Predictive analytics is used to collect and analyze patient data to make more informed decisions about health management. For example, data about individual patients can be used to identify risks of certain diseases or conditions to provide preventive care. Additionally, predictive analytics can predict patient outcomes and hospital resource utilization and reduce readmission rates.

Marketing: Predictive analytics can be applied to marketing to help businesses make more informed decisions about campaigns, including targeting customers and promoting products. Companies can use customer data to create more effective promotions, personalize customer experiences, and increase conversions.

Fraud Prevention: Predictive analytics helps detect fraudulent activity. By collecting and analyzing data related to previous fraudulent activities, companies can use predictive analytics to identify patterns that may indicate future fraudulent transactions.

Operations: Predictive analytics is used to predict how operations will perform in the future and make decisions to optimize efficiency. This includes predictive operations analysis, maintenance, and supply chain analysis. It can also forecast customer demand, production requirements, and inventory levels, allowing businesses to be better prepared to meet demand.

Retail: Predictive analytics is used in the retail industry to forecast consumer demand, anticipate supply chain disruptions, and optimize inventory levels. It also identifies trends related to customer behavior, creating insights about what customers want and how to meet their needs better.

These are some of the predictive analytics methods applied in various industries. You will get a better hang of its application through the hands-on projects in the predictive analytics course. Predictive analytics is proving to be a powerful tool for improving efficiency, optimizing operations, and enabling companies to make more informed decisions.

Why Learn Predictive Analytics - Benefits

Learning predictive analytics provides many benefits to businesses and individuals. Here are some of the critical benefits of why you should learn predictive analytics: 

  • Gain Insight into Patterns

Predictive analytics helps you detect and analyze data points over time to recognize trends and patterns you may not have noticed. Understanding these patterns can help businesses make better and more informed decisions.

  • Make More Accurate Predictions

With the help of predictive analytics, you can use data to create accurate predictions on customer behavior, outcomes, and revenue forecasts. Predictive analytics can be extremely helpful in the investment and risk management fields.

  • Create Personalized Experiences

Predictive analytics creates a better customer experience. By understanding customer data and preferences, companies can deliver highly tailored content, recommendations, or marketing messages that are more likely to be successful.

  • Identify Opportunities

Predictive analytics is used to identify potential growth opportunities. By recognizing industry trends, customer preferences, and potential new markets, businesses can more easily create new products or services that customers want.

All in all, predictive analytics offers many advantages to businesses and individuals. Great Learning’s predictive analytics courses stand out from all and help you gain current methods and techniques in demand in industries. By learning predictive analytics, you can gain powerful insights and predict customer behaviors better, stand out in the competitive landscape, and uncover interesting opportunities.

Frequently asked questions

Why learn Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is a robust tool that enables businesses to foresee future trends potentially and make informed decisions to improve their performance. By leveraging predictive analytics, businesses can identify patterns in their data, detect aberrant behavior, uncover valuable insights, and anticipate customer needs. Companies can use predictive analytics to identify their best customers and target the right prospects, develop better marketing strategies, improve customer experience, predict customer churn, and optimize prices for maximum profitability. As a result, businesses utilizing predictive analytics can make better decisions, increase efficiency, and drive profitability.

Career options for skills in predictive analytics include, 

  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Big Data Developer
  • Analytics Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Data Analyst
  • Researcher
  • Predictive Modeler
What are the popular PG courses to learn Predictive Analytics?
Why take Predictive Analytics courses from Great Learning?
Great Learning collaborates with top universities to offer the best PG courses on Predictive Analytics. Learners gain a comprehensive understanding through interactive video lectures, online resources, projects, and assignments and earn PG certificates upon successful completion.
Which universities offer Predictive Analytics courses?

Here is the list of universities and programs that teach Predictive Analytics in their curriculum,

  • The National University of Singapore offers Practical Decision Making Using Data Science
  • Deakin University offers Bachelors of Business Analytics and Masters of Data Science (Global) Program
Cost to learn PG Programs offering Predictive Analytics courses.

Here is the course list and fee details of the courses offering Predictive Analytics courses, 

PG Programs 

Program Fee Details

Practical Decision Making Using Data Science 

USD 2200 

Bachelors of Business Analytics 

1st Year at Great Lakes Institute of Management 

Tuition Fee: INR 7,50,000

Hostel Fee: INR 2,50,000

2nd & 3rd Year at Deakin University 

AUD ~35,800/year

Masters of Data Science (Global) Program

USD 7800

Note: Please visit the program page to check the updated fee details.

What is the duration of Predictive Analytics courses?

Here are the duration details of the Predictive Analytics courses,

PG Programs 

Program Duration Details

Practical Decision Making Using Data Science 

6 Months

Bachelors of Business Analytics 

36 Months

Masters of Data Science (Global) Program

24 Months 

Does Great Learning offer free Predictive Analytics courses?
You can explore free Predictive Analytics courses on Great Learning Academy. Free Courses: Predictive Modelling and Analytics, Data Analytics using Excel, and Mastering Big Data Analytics.