HTML & CSS Courses

Are you looking to develop your skills and become a web developer? With our HTML and CSS courses, you can do just that! They will teach you the essentials of HTML and CSS, including HTML syntax, CSS styling, and responsive design, and provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to create stunning websites and web applications. Our comprehensive courses are designed to provide the best possible learning experience, offering hands-on demonstrations and the latest industry resources.

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What will you learn in HTML & CSS Courses?

  • Work with HTML syntax and its structure for creating web pages
  • Master CSS styling and its various properties for designing web pages
  • Responsive design principles for creating websites that adapt to different devices
  • Strategies for organizing website content, including navigation, headers, and footers, to enhance user engagement and ac
  • Explore various techniques for optimizing website performance and improving user experience
  • Go through project-based learning with real-world examples to apply your skills in practice

Skills you will gain from HTML & CSS Courses

  • HTML elements, tags, and attributes for creating web pages
  • CSS properties in HTML for designing and styling web pages
  • HTML5 and CSS3 for creating modern and dynamic websites
  • Responsive design principles for building adaptable websites
  • User engagement and accessibility through website organization and layout
  • Performance optimization and user experience enhancement techniques

About HTML & CSS Courses

Introduction to HTML

The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language, a standard language for creating web pages. It defines the structure of web content using tags and attributes, allowing for text, images, links, and other elements to be displayed on a web page.

Introduction to CSS

The full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheets, a language used for describing the presentation and layout of HTML documents. It enables web developers to apply visual styles to web pages, such as colors, fonts, and layouts, making them more visually appealing and user-friendly.

HTML Skills

Here are some of the skills that are widely used in HTML:

Structure and Semantics

  • Knowledge of HTML tags and their semantics
  • Ability to create well-structured HTML documents

Forms and Inputs

  • Understanding of HTML form elements and their attributes
  • Ability to create forms and capture user input

Links and Navigation

  • Knowledge of hyperlinking and anchor tags
  • Ability to create effective navigation menus

Images and Media

  • Understanding of image and media elements
  • Ability to insert and manipulate images and videos in HTML


  • Understanding of web accessibility principles and techniques
  • Ability to create accessible HTML documents

Web Standards and Validation

  • Knowledge of HTML specifications and standards
  • Ability to validate HTML documents and adhere to best practices

CSS Skills

Here are some of the skills that are widely used in CSS:

Selectors and Specificity

  • Understanding of CSS selectors and specificity
  • Ability to target specific elements and apply styles

Box Model and Layout

  • Knowledge of the CSS box model and layout properties
  • Ability to create effective page layouts and position elements

Typography and Fonts

  • Understanding of typography principles and font families
  • Ability to style text and create visually appealing typography

Colors and Backgrounds

  • Knowledge of color theory and CSS background properties
  • Ability to apply colors and backgrounds to elements

Transitions and Animations

  • Understanding of CSS transitions and animations
  • Ability to create engaging and interactive web experiences

Responsive Design

  • Knowledge of responsive design principles and techniques
  • Ability to create websites that adapt to different devices and screen sizes

HTML and CSS Course with Certificate

Great Learning offers a range of HTML and CSS courses with certificates in collaboration with well-established universities and institutes worldwide to help you learn HTML and CSS. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our courses provide in-depth learning with hands-on projects and real-world applications. On completion, you'll receive a certificate from the universities associated with Great Learning, and this certificate is recognized by leading companies in the industry, boosting your credibility and career prospects.

HTML and CSS Free Course with Certificate

Our free HTML and CSS courses from Great Learning Academy offer a flexible and accessible learning experience for anyone interested in web development. With self-paced modules, interactive quizzes, and hands-on demos, you can learn at your own pace and acquire valuable skills for your career. On completion, you'll earn a certificate that verifies your knowledge and adds value to your resume.

Get started now and start building your HTML and CSS skills today!

Frequently asked questions

What is HTML and CSS?

HTML is a markup language that structures the content of a web page, defining the elements and their organization. It provides the backbone structure and semantic meaning to web content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and lists.


CSS is a styling language that controls the visual presentation and layout of HTML elements. It allows designers to specify colors, fonts, sizes, spacing, and positioning, enabling web page customization and visual enhancement

What are the types of CSS?

There are three types of CSS allowing developers to apply styles to HTML elements, but they differ in terms of specificity, scope, and organization.

  • Inline CSS: This type of CSS is applied directly to individual HTML elements using the "style" attribute. Inline CSS has the highest specificity and overrides other CSS rules.
  • Internal CSS: Also known as embedded CSS, this type of CSS is placed within the HTML file using the "<style>" tag in the head section. Internal CSS applies to the specific HTML document it is defined in.
  • External CSS: External CSS is defined in a separate CSS file with a .css extension. It is linked to HTML documents using the "<link>" tag in the head section. External CSS can be shared across multiple HTML files, promoting consistency and easier maintenance.
What are HTML and CSS used for?

HTML and CSS are used for web development and designing web pages, like:

  • HTML is used to structure the content of a web page, defining elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and links.
  • CSS controls the visual presentation and layout of HTML elements, specifying styles like colors, fonts, sizes, and spacing.
  • HTML and CSS work together to create well-structured and visually appealing websites.
  • HTML provides the backbone structure and semantic meaning, while CSS enhances visual aesthetics and user experience.
  • They are essential tools for building modern and responsive websites, enabling customization and consistent styling across web pages.
What is the difference between HTML and CSS?

HTML and CSS are two distinct technologies used in web development. 


HTML is a markup language used to structure the content of a web page. It defines the elements and their organization, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and lists. HTML focuses on the semantic structure of a web page, determining what content elements exist and how they relate to each other.


CSS is a styling language used to control the visual presentation and layout of HTML elements. It allows designers to specify colors, fonts, sizes, spacing, positioning, and other visual properties. CSS complements HTML by providing customization and visual enhancements, making web pages aesthetically appealing and visually engaging

Why learn HTML and CSS courses?

Investing time in learning HTML and CSS equips you with crucial skills that are the building blocks of the web and,

  • Web Development Skills: Learn HTML and CSS for essential web development skills.
  • Versatility: HTML and CSS are universal, adaptable technologies for web development.
  • Career Opportunities: Gain in-demand skills for diverse career opportunities.
  • Independence and Creative Control: Build websites from scratch and have complete design control.
  • Collaboration with Developers: Effective collaboration with developers on web projects.
  • Enhanced Website Customization: Customize websites with unique layouts and styles.
  • Continuous Learning: HTML and CSS pave the way for ongoing growth in web development.
What jobs are available for individuals with HTML and CSS skills?

The potential job opportunities for HTML and CSS experts include, 

  • Frontend Developer: Creating and implementing the visual aspects of a website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Web Designer: Designing and styling websites, creating layouts, selecting color schemes, and optimizing user experience.
  • UI/UX Designer: Crafting user interfaces and user experiences, focusing on usability, interaction design, and visual aesthetics.
  • Web Developer: Building and maintaining websites, handling frontend and backend development tasks.
  • Freelance Web Developer/Designer: Offering services independently, working on projects for clients, and managing their workload.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Specialist: Developing and customizing websites using CMS platforms like WordPress or Drupal.
  • E-commerce Developer: Building and maintaining online stores, integrating payment gateways, and optimizing the user experience for online shoppers.
  • Email Developer: Designing and coding responsive HTML email templates for email marketing campaigns.
  • Web Production Artist: Assisting with producing and implementing web designs, ensuring visual consistency and adherence to standards.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: Implementing HTML and CSS for web-based marketing initiatives, such as landing pages, microsites, and email campaigns.
What is the average salary hike for professionals with HTML and CSS skills?

The average salary for a professional with HTML and CSS skills is $80,439, and the hike ranges between 5-15% when transitioning into higher job designations within the organization. Working professionals can gain a hike by escalating their practical knowledge through HTML and CSS certificate courses.

What topics are covered in the HTML and CSS courses?

The HTML and CSS module is learned online in Full-Stack Software Development Program.

The concepts learned in this course include:

  • Introduction to HTML: Basics of HTML syntax, tags, elements, and attributes.
  • HTML Document Structure: Creating the structure of a web page using HTML.
  • HTML Formatting: Adding headings, paragraphs, lists, and other content formatting elements.
  • HTML Links and Images: Inserting hyperlinks and images into web pages.
  • CSS Fundamentals: Introduction to CSS, including selectors, properties, and values.
  • CSS Box Model: Understanding how the box model affects the layout and design of web elements.
  • CSS Selectors and Specificity: Selecting and styling specific HTML elements using CSS.
  • CSS Layouts: Creating responsive and flexible page layouts using CSS techniques like Flexbox and Grid.
  • CSS Styling: Applying colors, fonts, backgrounds, and other visual styles to web elements.
  • CSS Transitions and Animations: Adding dynamic effects and animations to web pages using CSS.
  • CSS Media Queries: Designing responsive websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Web Design Best Practices: Applying principles of usability, accessibility, and user experience in web design.


More complex topics learned in the course include responsive design, CSS frameworks, preprocessors, and interactive web elements using JavaScript

What are the prerequisites for learning the HTML and CSS courses?

Basic computer skills, knowledge of the web, and technical programming skills would help the learners perform better.

Why learn HTML and CSS courses from Great Learning?

Great Learning's HTML and CSS courses offer:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Great Learning offers a well-structured curriculum in HTML and CSS for a thorough understanding.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from skilled instructors with industry expertise.
  • Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical exercises and projects for a hands-on learning experience.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Acquire highly relevant skills for the evolving web development industry.
  • Career Support: Access career services like resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from online self-paced or live instructor-led courses to suit your schedule.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, instructors, and industry experts for valuable networking.
  • Industry Recognition: Great Learning is recognized for quality education and industry partnerships.


These are well-curated online resources and knowledge imparting HTML and CSS courses with certificates.

Does Great Learning offer free HTML and CSS courses?

Yes. Great Learning offers free HTML and CSS courses on the Great Learning Academy platform. 

Free Courses: HTML in Hindi, HTML Tags and Attributes, Frontend Development - HTML, CSS Tutorials, CSS Properties, and Frontend Development - CSS.