Foundations Of AI & ML Courses

Discover the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with these comprehensive courses on the foundations of AI and ML! Designed for learners of all backgrounds, these courses will guide you through essential concepts, techniques, and real-world applications. Master the building blocks of AI, explore ML algorithms, and ignite your passion for the future of technology. Unlock your potential and embark on an exciting journey toward becoming an AI and ML expert today!

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What will you learn in Foundations Of AI & ML?

  • Basics of Python, along with Functions and Packages for code reusability and program modularity
  • Installation of Jupyter Notebook, which is the most widely used platform to execute Python
  • Utilizing Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn to explore data sets
  • Working with Data Structures, Vectors, and Data Frames that help in speech and image processing for AI and ML
  • Understanding Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics to study data analysis and assess theories
  • Executing Hypothesis Testing for performing experiments based on observed data


Learn the Foundations of AI & ML through these courses

Explore the top AI & ML foundations courses handpicked to empower your learning journey and excel in the AI-driven world!

Skills you will gain from Foundations Of AI & ML course.

  • Master Python basics, functions, and packages
  • Install and use Jupyter Notebook effectively
  • Leverage Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
  • Handle data structures for AI & ML processing
  • Apply descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Conduct hypothesis testing with observed data

About Artificial Intelligence Foundations

Artificial intelligence (AI) foundations refer to the fundamental concepts and principles that form the basis of artificial intelligence as a discipline. These foundations encompass a wide range of topics essential for understanding and working with AI systems. By studying the foundations of artificial intelligence, learners acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Some key areas covered in AI foundations include the following:

  1. History and evolution of AI: This traces the development of AI from its early days to its present state, providing context for the technology's growth and impact on society.
  2. AI techniques and approaches: They include rule-based systems, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning, which are distinct methods for creating intelligent systems.
  3. Knowledge representation and reasoning: This involves the methods used to represent and manipulate knowledge in AI systems, including semantic networks, ontologies, and logic.
  4. Search and optimization: These techniques are essential for problem-solving in AI, enabling agents to explore solution spaces and find optimal paths or decisions.
  5. Natural language processing: NLP covers the methods used to enable AI systems to understand, generate, and interact using human language.
  6. Computer vision and robotics: These areas focus on the perception and interaction of AI systems with the physical world, including image processing, object recognition, and autonomous agents.

By grasping the foundations of artificial intelligence, learners are better prepared to study advanced AI topics and develop innovative solutions using artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning Foundations

Machine learning (ML) foundations refer to the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie machine learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on building models capable of learning from data. These foundational topics provide learners with the necessary understanding to effectively apply machine learning techniques to a wide range of problems and applications.

Some key areas covered in ML foundations include the following:

  1. Types of machine learning: They include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, which are the main paradigms for training ML models based on different types of data and goals.
  2. Data preprocessing: It involves techniques for cleaning, transforming, and encoding data to prepare it for use in machine learning algorithms, ensuring optimal model performance.
  3. Feature engineering: It covers methods for selecting, extracting, and creating relevant features from raw data, which is crucial for successful machine learning models.
  4. Basic ML algorithms: They include foundational algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and clustering methods, which are the building blocks for more advanced ML techniques.
  5. Model evaluation and validation: They encompass techniques for assessing the performance of machine learning models, including metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, as well as methods for cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning.
  6. Introduction to deep learning: It provides an overview of deep learning techniques, including artificial neural networks and convolutional neural networks, which are essential for tackling complex problems like image recognition and natural language processing.

By mastering the foundations of ML, learners gain the skills and knowledge required to implement and analyze machine learning models effectively, setting the stage for further exploration of advanced ML techniques and applications.

AI & ML as a Career Option

AI and ML as career options are both promising and rewarding. The increasing adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning across various industries has created a high demand for skilled professionals in these fields. Pursuing a career in AI and ML can be worth it, considering the following factors:


  1. Job opportunities: As companies continue to integrate AI and ML into their processes, there is a growing need for experts who can develop, implement, and maintain intelligent systems. Roles such as machine learning engineers, AI researchers, and data scientists are in high demand.
  2. Competitive salaries: Due to the scarcity of skilled professionals and the value they bring to organizations, careers in AI and ML often come with competitive salaries and benefits packages, making them financially attractive.
  3. Diverse applications: AI and ML technologies are used across various industries, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and entertainment. This diversity allows professionals to apply their skills in areas they are passionate about and make a meaningful impact.
  4. Intellectual challenge: AI and ML are constantly evolving fields that offer intellectually stimulating challenges. Professionals in these domains have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects, push the boundaries of technology, and contribute to advancements in the field.
  5. Future growth: As AI and ML technologies continue to advance, their potential applications and impact on society will expand, creating even more job opportunities and career growth for professionals in these areas.

Considering these factors, a career in AI and ML can be worth it for those who have a genuine interest in the field, are willing to invest time and effort in learning the necessary skills, and are prepared to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of these technologies.

AI Foundation Course

The AI foundation course from Great Learning is a comprehensive program aimed at introducing learners to the fundamental concepts and principles of artificial intelligence (AI). This course is designed for individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill levels, offering a solid foundation for further study or work in the AI domain.

The key features of the course include the following:

  • Structured curriculum
  • Expert instructors
  • Hands-on projects
  • Flexible learning
  • Peer networking
  • Career support

By enrolling in the AI foundation course from Great Learning, you can build a solid understanding of AI concepts and principles, paving the way for further specialization or the application of AI techniques in your chosen field.

ML Foundation Course

The ML foundation course from Great Learning is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the fundamental concepts and principles of machine learning (ML). This course is tailored for individuals with varying backgrounds and skill levels, providing a solid foundation for further study or work in the ML domain.

The key features of the course include the following:

  • Structured curriculum
  • Expert instructors
  • Hands-on projects
  • Flexible learning
  • Peer networking
  • Career support

By enrolling in the ML foundation course from Great Learning, you can build a solid understanding of ML concepts and principles, paving the way for further specialization or the application of ML techniques in your chosen field.

Frequently asked questions

Why learn the Foundations of AI and ML?

Learning AI and ML foundations is beneficial for the below-given reasons:

  • Understanding the basics: Allows you to understand the fundamental concepts and principles behind the technology.
  • Building a solid foundation: By understanding the foundations, you can build a strong foundation to learn more advanced topics and techniques.
  • Career opportunities: A high demand for professionals with AI and ML skills. You can gain the skills needed for various job roles by learning the foundations.
  • Innovating with AI and ML: Enables you to innovate and develop new applications and solutions using these technologies.
  • Solving complex problems: Used to solve complex problems and challenges in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. 
What are the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

The common applications of AI and ML include:

  • Natural Language Processing: To learn and generate human language, used in applications such as chatbots, voice assistants, and language translation.
  • Computer Vision: To analyze and interpret visual data such as images and videos. Computer vision applications include facial recognition, object detection, and self-driving cars.
  • Fraud Detection: Analyze large datasets to identify patterns and anomalies that could indicate fraud in credit card transactions and insurance claims.
  • Predictive Analytics: Analyze historical data to predict future trends, which can be used for tasks such as stock market forecasting, sales forecasting, and demand forecasting.
  • Healthcare: Used in healthcare for tasks such as disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and medical image analysis.
  • Autonomous Systems: Used in autonomous systems such as drones and robots to enable decision-making and navigation.
  • Recommendation Systems: Develop recommendation systems that suggest products, services, or content based on user preferences and behavior.
What are the best PG courses for learning the AI and ML Foundations?

Explore the PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and PG Program in AI & ML to learn from the best courses to understand AI ML basics, strategies, tools, and implementations.

Which universities offer Foundations of AI and ML courses?
Great Lakes Executive Learning and UT Austin offer online and classroom programs to learn the Foundations of AI and ML.
What tools and technologies are taught in the AI and ML Foundation courses?

The common tools and technologies taught in Foundations of AI and ML foundations courses include:

  • Python: A popular programming language for AI and ML, with many libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn that are commonly used in AI and ML applications.
  • R: A programming language commonly used in AI and ML, particularly in statistical analysis.
  • TensorFlow: An open-source platform for AI and ML developed by Google. It is commonly used for neural network modeling, deep learning, and natural language processing tasks.
  • Keras: A high-level neural networks API built on top of TensorFlow. It is commonly used for tasks such as image classification and text recognition.
  • PyTorch: An open-source machine learning library built by Facebook. It is commonly used for deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing tasks.
  • Jupyter Notebook: An open-source web application allowing users to create and share documents that contain code, equations, visualizations, and text.
  • Scikit-learn: A machine learning library for Python that provides simple and efficient data mining and analysis tools.
What are the job roles after completing AI and ML courses?

Pursuing artificial intelligence and machine learning can open up job opportunities, including, 

  • Machine Learning Engineer: Involves designing, implementing, and maintaining ML models and systems that can learn from data and make predictions.
  • Data Scientist: Uses statistical and machine learning techniques to analyze and interpret complex data sets, create structured reports and communicate insights to stakeholders.
  • AI Researcher: Designs and develops new algorithms and models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of AI systems.
  • Data Analyst: Responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data using tools and techniques such as SQL, Python, and R.
  • Business Intelligence Analyst: Uses data to provide insights and support decision-making within an organization.
  • Computer Vision Engineer: Develops algorithms and models to analyze images and videos and extract information from them.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer: Designs and develops models and systems to analyze and understand human language.
  • Robotics Engineer: Designs and develops robots and automated systems that can operate autonomously using AI and ML techniques.
  • AI Ethics and Governance Specialist: Involves ensuring that AI systems are built and used ethically and responsibly and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
Does Great Learning offer free Foundations of AI and ML courses?

Yes. Great Learning offers free courses to learn and understand AI and ML introduction, its tools, techniques, and applications on the Great Learning Academy. 

Free Courses: AI Foundations, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Machine Learning Algorithms, AI Landscape, and Machine Learning Landscape.