Data Mining Courses

Data Mining online courses teach learners the fundamentals of the field of Data Mining and introduce them to working with advanced concepts. These courses are designed to cover topics like data extraction, data cleaning, data exploration, data analysis, and data visualization. Learners will understand and apply the principles of Machine Learning, including supervised and unsupervised methods. Additionally, learners will gain insight into the application of Data Mining and its techniques in various industries.

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What will you learn from Data Mining Courses

  • Statistical Analysis: Identify correlation, regression, clustering, and classification patterns to interpret data insights.
  • Data Visualization: Create visualization models. Use graphical data representation to uncover patterns and correlations.
  • Database Management: Use databases to store and organize data. Create, maintain, and query databases for data mining.
  • Machine Learning: Use machine learning techniques, algorithms, and statistical models to identify data patterns.
  • Programming: Use Python and R programming languages to create scripts and programs to analyze data.
  • Communication: Present and effectively communicate data and findings to stakeholders and other interested parties.


Acquire Working Proficiency With Data Mining Courses

Learn from the Data Mining courses with access to the best resources from top universities from the Great Learning online platform.

Skills you will gain in Data Mining Course

  • Acquire skills to employ algorithms and techniques for data mining
  • Analyze large datasets and identify patterns through data mining models
  • Create predictive models from data to analyze and deploy applications
  • Apply data mining techniques to create data visualization models
  • Use data to answer business questions and derive effective solutions
  • Understand and analyze ethical and legal issues related to data mining

About Data Mining Courses

Data Mining courses provide an introduction to the field of data mining and its application to business and industry. Through learning the fundamentals of data mining and its related technologies, learners gain the skills to develop and apply data mining techniques to make business decisions and solve problems.

Data mining courses typically cover the basic concepts of data mining, such as data preprocessing, data cleaning, data exploration, data visualization, data clustering, association rules, classification and prediction, and evaluation. Learners understand and apply the principles and techniques of data mining and learn to use data mining tools to build data-driven models. They also learn to interpret and present data mining results.

In addition to lectures, the data mining course syllabus often includes hands-on exercises to give learners practical experience with the techniques and tools of data mining. Learners will also work on a project in which they apply data mining techniques to a real-world problem.

Data mining courses are offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels and are often part of computer science, business, or engineering programs. They are also offered as part of data mining and analytics certificate programs.

Great Learning offers you an opportunity to learn Data Mining courses with certificates from top universities. Register for these courses to understand your knowledge and earn abilities to work with fundamental and advanced skills in data-related fields. Elevate your competency working in Software, IT, or any technical designations.


Frequently asked questions

Why learn Data Mining?

Data mining is an effective tool for any data science field enthusiast. It uncovers hidden patterns and trends in large volumes of data, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and solve complex problems. It is a potential technology that can also segment customers, identify key influencers, uncover fraud, predict customer behavior, assess risk, and create valuable predictive models. With the right data mining techniques and tools, businesses can make well-informed decisions to increase profits, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

Job roles with skills in Data Mining include:

  • Data Mining Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Business Intelligence Architect
  • Software Developer
  • Database Administrator 
  • Data Quality Analyst
What are the popular PG courses to learn Data Mining?
Why take Data Mining courses from Great Learning?
Great Learning collaborates with top universities to offer the best PG courses on Data Mining and its advanced concepts. Learners gain a comprehensive understanding through interactive video lectures, online resources, projects, and assignments and earn PG certificates upon successful completion.
Which universities offer Data Mining online courses?

Here is the list of universities and programs that teach Data Mining in their curriculum,

  • Deakin University offers Master of Data Science (Global) Program
  • PES University offers Executive MBA Program
  • The University of Arizona offers MS in Information Science: Machine Learning
Cost to learn PG Programs on Data Mining.

Here is the course list and fee details of the courses teaching Data Mining, 

PG Programs 

Program Fee Details

Master of Data Science (Global) Program

USD 7800

Executive MBA Program

INR 5,50,000

MS in Information Science: Machine Learning

Online: USD 10,500

Hybrid: USD 34,176

Please refer to the Fee Section on the program page for the updated fee details.

What is the duration of Data Mining courses?

Here is the list of PG courses duration details to learn Data Mining, its tools and techniques,

PG Programs 

Program Duration Details

Master of Data Science (Global) Program

24 Months

Executive MBA Program

30 Months

MS in Information Science: Machine Learning

24 Months

Please refer to the Duration Section on the program page for the updated details.

Does Great Learning offer free Data Mining courses?
You can explore free Data Mining courses on Great Learning Academy. Free Courses: Data Mining and Data Mining Projects.